Who is Stacey Hancock? And how does she make kitchen tongs and extrusion beams sound so good?
Do you wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat about your Amazon business?
Are you worried that you’re not quite “making it” in the way that you dreamed about?
Sheesh, maybe you’re killing it… but that’s not enough for you!
Perhaps you’re the person who goes out of your way to try to avoid conversations with friends and family who are just dying to tell you to get a “real job” – *cough* like them.
And, doesn't it drive you CRAZY seeing all those other Sellers making 6, 7 and 8 figures, getting GREAT reviews and popping up on page one with ALL OF THE DAMN PRODUCTS, while you sit there banging your head over Product Research, wondering how many other Sellers are about to launch the EXACT SAME product as you, and steal YOUR customers. Will your product fly or die?
If this sounds even a tiny bit like you, this may be the most useful letter you’ll read this year. In fact, it may even be the most profitable piece of general content you’ll read, because I’m literally going to SHOW you how to create a successful Amazon Product Portfolio, by telling you EXACTLY what that Top 8% know.
… And even a few things they don’t.
But first up, let me introduce myself! I’m Stacey Hancock – AKA, The Amazon Copy Warrior.
That's me, getting the once-over by some Luchadores in Mexico in 2019.
My ENTIRE job is to use Copywriting to help products find their voice, so YOU can steal more sales from your competition.
But listen, I don’t DO this in isolation. Because trust me when I say, if you have a shitty product, or “Dear god, not another me too product", I can polish it up for sure (that's my job), and we can certainly steal SOME sales through clever word-smithing, but it still won’t make the top 8% of humans who crush it!
(Like the client who couldn’t sell many glasses not because of the copy, but because the shape was ALL WRONG!)
I also help Sellers get out of their own heads so they can effortlessly DEVELOP those top 8% brands and products. And, do it on repeat – nay, on COMMAND!
Because when you go those couple of extra steps in product research and knowing your market like your AND combine it with great creative, guess what happens…?
Chaching!!! $$$$$
Not only that, once you KNOW how to do it, you have a formula and a mindset (a powerful weapon if you will), that allows you to replicate it over, and over again.
That sounds like a little slice of freedom, wouldn’t you say?
Do that, and now you can compete on page one without becoming a raging insomniac, AND you can get good reviews without having to beg friends and family. But more importantly, you now have the confidence that what you’re doing is going to be more successful than if you didn't.
But look, you really don’t need to hear about how I’ve helped over 1500 products sell effortlessly on page one without those “10 reviews” you hear people talking about, or how I’m one of the highest paid Amazon Copywriters in the WORLD, or even that already successful multi 7-Figure Brands ASK to work with me. Because I know you’ve heard all this before. I see the same sales pitches, and follow the same Gurus, Facebook Groups and email lists.
But here’s something you will NEVER see those guys saying…
I WANT you to follow them and buy their stuff. In fact, you NEED to learn their stuff (and I hope you have at least done something else beyond Seller University) Because those guys’ have the baseline knowledge YOU need to even jump on the success train in the first place. You'll never hear them telling you to do other courses, just do theirs! But me? I REQUIRE you to have at least a basic knowledge in Amazon first.
And then, if you desire to be like the top 8% that results in an incredible, sales stealing Amazon Product Portfolio, you might come and find out more about what I do.
But ONLY if you want to. And, I’m not sure if that’s what you want, do you? The top 8% is not for everyone.
Because, while my Creative Edge strategies have a clearly defined process that ANYONE can follow, and are guaranteed to help you stand out from all those Silicone Utensils, Diaper Bags and Unicorn Party Supplies, you, like everyone, must be willing to follow it - of course.
It’s pretty obvious, wouldn’t you say?
And I’ll say it again… you really should do what those “Gurus” say (and there are lots out there, from Private Label Masters, to Amazing Seller, FBA Allstars, Viral Launch, Helium 10 etc.) and as soon as you’ve done that, you’ll be ready for my top tier 8% strategies that steal MORE sales so you can build a solid portfolio that lets you…
… travel the world as a digital nomad (like me in 2019) when you choose
Or, give your family the lifestyle you always dreamed of
Pay TAX on time and without going into a cold sweat!
Perhaps, even tell your day job to go F&%K themselves. (I swear, FYI)
Or, you can continue on, doing “ok”. Maybe not exactly “making it”, and maybe not bleeding all your cash, and maybe feeling 50% confident, but you’ll chug along ok.
Now, I have a dirty little secret to share. To some, an uncomfortable truth.
And when I reveal this confession to you – you will either run for the hills, or, like most of my clients, you will be RELIEVED to know. Because you see, the world of Amazon coaching has become BLINDED by revealing sales figures, rags to riches stories and proving that you are running a successful Amazon Business. And while I agree with you, those things are fun, inspiring and interesting to know, it can also narrow the field of knowledge too.
You may have already guessed what my secret is…
… I’m not an Amazon Seller!
And I don’t WANT TO BE ONE! Ever!
Because if I were to become a Seller, dealing with suppliers, logistics, finances, samples, sourcing, PPC, ACOS, backend admin, technology, etc. I would lose the ENTIRE essence of what makes me so damn useful to people like you, and those clients who are in the top 8% I was telling you about.
Like Mike, (not his real name)
Mike has been a long term copywriting client of mine. He found me years ago on Upwork and has been my client ever since. Now, after building out a portfolio of around 13 products together over 2 years, he launched another brand in 2019. At the time of writing this letter to you, we were 3 products deep and launching 3 more before the end of 2019.
Now, I have a process I call MarketSpy, which is the basis of all of the page one, conversion crushing copy you read about earlier. It’s a buyer-centric research system that 100% guarantees your copy WILL convert, but not just that – that it converts #likeaboss. So, I was working away on Mike’s latest product and doing my MarketSpy research process and I noticed something TERRIBLE! Something that was going to KILL his sales!
I discovered that his product did NOT have the ONE THING that customers really, truly wanted! Sure, his product had some of the things. But those things were basic, common and easily available on competitors’ products. Mike was about to create another "me too". Average, boring, begging for sales.
In fact, only 8% of products had the thing Mike NEEDED to have to be truly competitive, and to steal the sales away from the other 92%. But sadly, his didn’t – so we had to make do with what we had. I mean, it wasn’t a bad product, and of course the copy sold it – but it wasn’t at the level that could steal sales away from the top guys, effortlessly.
So, I pointed it out to him. Now look, it’s not my job to tell a client their product is lacking crucial elements. They hire me for writing copy for Amazon. But, I was doing it anyway because it doesn’t hurt to be helpful, right? And any insight a client can learn that gets them to that 8% on their NEXT product is always welcome.
So, I point out this flaw to Mike, and he says…
“Oh wow, you’re right, I can see that now. Hmm, maybe I should get you to help me with my product research before I hire your for writing them”...
Now, Mike is no dummy with product research and it’s obvious because he already has one brand with 13 products, and growing. He knows all about BSR, he has a methodology that involves looking at Keyword Rankings and Sales in relation to the Competition. And like you, Mike knows MORE about the numbers side of product research than I do. He followed the Gurus and learned the basics, he practiced, and is naturally doing well.
But in that moment, Mike realized he didn’t have that next-level knowledge. The knowledge that only a shopaholic, copywriting savant like myself has. He didn't quite have the knowledge that would push his success (on that product) into that 8% category. He also knew that I had written for approx 1000 products (at that time), and if there was ANYONE that knew ANYTHING about what customers are buying and why – it was me.
So, I said…
“Well, ok. I mean, I’m pretty busy writing copy for Amazon Sellers, I don’t really know when I can fit this in, but let’s see how it goes”.
Mike gives me 5 products. He’d already shortlisted them based on BSR and all those other factors that I have no clue about. He told me what his plan was to make them better than the competition, and then it was up to me to go through my research process and help him see if his ideas were relevant, good enough, and what else he was missing.
I wrote a report up for each product, and a relieved Mike emailed me back and said “This is great, you have saved me so much time and cost in going back and forwards with samples, and you’ve helped me see that one of the products is not viable!”
Yes, I in fact saved him a ton of money!
The product that wasn’t viable, was a massager thing. For anyone to find it on Amazon was going to be difficult. It didn’t really have its own keyword. Sure, there were lots of keywords you could use to find it, like “massage ball” / “neck pain” / “migraine relief” and tons of others. But when you looked at the page one results there was NOTHING like this product. And not because our product was unique – no, it was because it was not relevant in any of the keyword results.
I know what you’re thinking - he could have PPC’d the hell out of it, but as you already know, a high ACOS is not the goal. And this one, was going to completely kill his margins if he tried to launch it.
Now, there was a similar product. And we could have piggy backed off their brand name in PPC, but again at what ACOS? (pardon the pun). Not only that, if a customer was searching for the top (and only) brand, that was who they wanted.
Put another way - It’s like if you want the latest Yeezy’s because you love Kanye, but some no-label brand appears in your search. You’re not interested in it, no matter how catchy the title is and the main image. If it’s not Kanye, you’ll keep shopping until you find it.
That was what Mike was going to be up against. When given the choice, the customer was most likely to select the already patented, branded "original".
Any knockoff would have to be DAMN special.
But to develop the product in a way that was going to a) be respected by those with pain and b) be useful long term and not just a gimmick, and c) complete with the original, it was going to be too costly and eat away Mike’s profit for a long, LONG time!
After my report, he could finally see it.
And no, I didn’t use my clever-pants skills in hypno-copy and NLP copywriting to convince him. I don’t need to in a fact-based report. I’m not a Seller, and I’m not trying to derail him from building a strong brand. I’m not trying to compete with him. He could see the logic once he’d finally seen the 'other side of product research'; the qualitative, buyer-centric stuff.
Now I wonder, how much time, money and energy you’re wasting by not knowing this “other side of research” too? Imagine if you were Mike, and you launched that hard-to-find, high ACOS, poorly designed product? Imagine only looking at the same data that Mike looks at (the same data that 92% of Sellers look at) and never seeing the bigger picture. Ouch.
Now, imagine only launching products that are a no-brainer for customers to buy. Not only are these products competitive on page one, so you can steal sales from other Sellers, but they steal sales from the guys who are dominating the show! The product is so worthwhile to customers, it could sell itself if it had too! And when you add a winning PPC strategy, Copywriting AND Full Optimization. And then replicate your 8% approach... the sky is the limit.
And you, like Mike, can launch a new product each month, build a solid brand and make it on Amazon the way you dreamed about. In a way that makes you wake up in the night with butterflies because you’re so excited to check your stats, and in a way that makes friends and family either proud to know you (or green with envy), and maybe your success would encourage more people to do Amazon at the 8% level. I like to call it, The Freedom Zone!
You might even find yourself launching 10 products every 2 months! Like my client Dan.
Would it be ok for you to hear another client story?
This one’s short and funny (the client was in fits of laughter when he’d seen I’d talked about it on my Facebook page)
Again, we’ll protect their identity of the client AND their business name (but the business name is relevant). Do keep reading, because I’m going to share something that you can action immediately in your Amazon Business! Share it with your friends, because if they make this strange mistake, it won’t just cost them sales – but they could fall off page one like they never even existed.
Ok, so my client Peter has a brand called Yellow and Blue. Like I said, not the real name, but just know this - the brand name was TWO colors. So, Peter’s brand sells party supplies, a very popular category as you may know. Peter was selling gold trim party plates.
Without laboring for days over the story, here’s what the title would have looked like (assuming we follow Amazon’s TOS with Brand name first)
Yellow and Blue Gold Trim Party Plates…
Now you might agree, that’s a bit confusing.
Are they yellow, blue and gold trim? A weird blue gold trim? Are they a set with yellow, blue and gold. Brain-melt!
Now Think about a busy, stressed out party planning shopper. Probably female, maybe a mom, definitely trying to find all the things she needs to create a matching theme for her party. Her DM’s are going off, she’s trying to compare prices and brands, perhaps she’s also on Pinterest, and Instagram looking for inspo, and then your confusing title pops up.
Ok, so she may click the title because you have one word in there that is relevant. But which word? The yellow, the blue or the gold? You’ll never know. And because she’s clicked on it there will be a less than 33% chance she’ll purchase.
33% because it’s either blue, yellow or gold
Less than 33% because now, she’s gone to compare your plates with others.
So, can you see how the color ambiguity in the brand name automatically ruins your conversion rate. No matter how great your copywriting, photos, PPC and product is! You instantly ruin your ACOS, and tumble down the rankings.
Imagine you, like Peter, making a tiny mistake like this with big consequences!
And now, imagine knowing that your brand name made shopping EASIER for customers! What would it would be like if you had a brand name, and even a product name that made people excited to click on your title!
Now, suppose your name became a keyword! And every time a customer searched YOUR name, they would find you, click, and instantly buy – because you are the one they wanted! What would it be like knowing you didn’t have to worry about blowing your PPC budget because when people search for you by name your ACOS goes down, and your rankings go up! And what would it be like to have all those repeat shoppers, because now they KNOW you. What would it feel like to have a solid reputation that makes it easy for customers to find you time and time again, and refer you to friends.
They’ll probably say things like: “I wonder what else this brand sells?”
And in reviews they’ll say things like “I love [brand], I’ve been coming back for years, and I’m going to try their other [product]”
And it happens just like that. Go ahead and take a look at the Organic or Natural Skincare brands category. Deep dive into their reviews and you’ll see how customers say these things ON REPEAT!
It’s as if you’re building a REAL brand.
And, you are!
Circling back now to that dirty little secret I shared earlier…
… that’s the reason why I’m NOT an Amazon Seller. And when I’m not writing copy for Amazon that brings in sales-crushing 60% conversions for something as simple as a tumbler, or influencing exactly what people write in reviews (without breaking TOS), I’m helping Sellers get out of their own heads so they can also become the top 8% of Sellers who are building a solid portfolio of products. And the more you walk along this creative edge, the more you start to see other 8% strategies yourself! And it’s as if you’ve been handed some sort of key that you can use anytime, anywhere, and for any product.
Maybe you want to join them too?
But look, you really shouldn’t even try and work with my techniques unless you have a base level of Amazon knowledge. I’m not teaching you how to load a listing. I’m not teaching you how to fill in the “subject matter” or teach you what platinum keywords are. I’m not teaching you how to FIND your product. I’m not teaching the basics of PPC. And I’m not teaching you how to write a listing and fill in the backend. I’m not teaching you how to trademark or drop ship. I’m not teaching LLC’s and all of the other things you need to know.
Because, you already know all that. You’ve already purchased one of the top courses online that shows you how to successfully start an Amazon business. And chances are, you've already started, and ready to know more.
And as for me…
I’m the creative you need to become a Private Label Seller that launches an ENTIRE portfolio, and not just one average product.
I’m helping you to become one of those 6, 7 and 8 figure sellers who gets GREAT reviews and pops up on page one with ALL OF THE DAMN PRODUCTS so you can drive other Sellers crazy because they can’t keep up with you. And while all of them launch the same products, with the same bad copy, and the same boring brand names, you will be stealing their sales. We’d like to think they’re admiring you for being such a boss on Amazon, but in reality they’re painting targets all over your back.
And your competitors will come to me with examples of product descriptions they too want to beat. And because you worked with me, those sales-crushing product descriptions they so desperately want to benchmark from, will be yours!
Let the games begin!